What to expect!
Homeopathy is a "Holistic" practice, where patients entire lifestyle habits and backgrounds are considered.
First time consultation takes longer sessions since we try to explore and touch various aspects of your life. This holistic approach enables me to choose the right remedy for you that suits your individual need with aim of resolving your health and mental issues.
As they say - "There is no one size that fits for all" , there is 'NO' one common medicine for all.
Typically the consultation session is divided into three parts :
- Case History
Together we try to explore and discuss about all areas of your life to see how multiple factors have culminated in the present condition. This includes -
Personal History
Emotional wellbeing
Mental Attitude etc..
We expect you to openly talk about what you enjoy the most, your likes, dislikes, any emotional outburst in the past, how you feel about certain things or relations etc.. and if necessary a lab test could be asked as well.
Based on above information we will find out the best suitable medicine and supportive emotional, lifestyle approach to adapt to overcome from current medical illeness and to start your journey to heal yourself.
2. Homeopathic Medicines and Lifestyle Changes*
Based on your history that you share, we will find out the medicine that best suits to your nature and physical aspects.
There are very high chances if two persons with same physical illness symptoms may receive different medicinal treatment.
We will explain about the remedies we will prescribed, alongside any other health advise and guidance.
*Medicines and all the suggestions will be based on your case history information provided by you. For better results please be accurate and detailed as much possible.
3. FollowUp Sessions
The treatment commonly involves working through various layers of personal history over a period of couple of months to have deep understanding of root cause of your illness and to treat it so it cannot re-appear.
We would re-assess the progress to see if further sessions are required.